Monday, June 23, 2008

Ouran High School Host Club

Ouran High School Host Club is definitally one of my favourite mangas/animes. Why? I shall explain.
Plot and Description:
Basically, a poor girl, Haruhi, gets a scholorship to this rich school, Ouran High School, where she complains that it's too noisey every where she wants to study. She ends up stumbling across an 'empty' music room, where she actually finds out that the Host Club is in it. The Host club includes six ultra-popular and ultra-hot guys: Tamaki, Kyoya, Mori, Honey, Hikaru and Kaoru. She then breaks a vase, worth about 80 K USD, in the mist of Tamaki being his pushy little self, and then inslaves Haruhi to be the "club dog". Of course, they finally figure out that Haruhi is a woman, and they try to keep it a secret, yet they always make her dress up like a girl [in dresses or in costumes].
The Drama:
There's a HUGE difference between the drama of the Anime and of the manga.
In the anime it's a solid love between Tamaki and Haruhi, who has no feelings towards him. Tamaki calls her his "Daughter", with Mori and Honey being the "neighbors", because they're the 3rd years of the group, Hikaru and Kaoru the "sons" of him, because they're in the same class with Haruhi, and Kyoya the "Dad" because he formed the group with Tamaki. Tamaki usually thinks of these odd-brained schemes to get Haruhi closer to him, and often goes into random daydreams [that are usually funny]. There is some romance between Hikaru and Haruhi, but not much seeing as Hikaru and Kaoru love each other too much.
In the manga, the affection of Tamaki and Haruhi are the same as in the manga, except that now
the twins have HUGE feelings for Haruhi, and will do anything for her [even go against 'King']. As the manga goes on, and Tamaki is forced to do stuff by his grandmother [who hates him], the twins and Haruhi take a school trip, where the twins fight [before hand] and they see to know that they'll never actually have Haruhi, because Tamaki is in the way. The 'family' is still in the manga, except less dramatic, but Hikaru knows that if he falls in love with Haruhi, then the 'family', which has been drawn in way too close, will be destroyed.
The Characters [with detailed backgrounds to them]:
Tamaki Souh: Tamaki [aka Tono ("King")] is the leader of the Host Club. His father married his mother, who's French, and was dragged back to Japan, leaving Tamaki and his mother in France. Tamaki's grandmother, who hates Tamaki and his mother, who's currently going bankrupt, and will give Tamaki's mother money if Tamaki goes to Japan and become the Souh heir. Tamaki agrees, and leaves his mother in France, who then goes M.I.A. and is sick, and Tamaki arrives in Japan, joining the class 3A in Ouran Middle School, the same class as Kyoya Ootori. Tamaki is half Japanese, half French, and has blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Haruhi thinks he's a headcase, but by the end, they have something going [perhaps ;)]. He has a bubbly personality, and is the "dad'' of his family that he made into the Host Club. He over dramatizes everything, but is very kind hearted and will do what he thinks fits best. His worst fear is Umehito Nekozawa and the cat doll Beelzenef in the Black Magic Club. His first real friend that he made was Kyoya Ootori. His father is the superattendent of Ouran and his grandmother is the chairwoman. He's a 2nd year in High School during the Host Club. As for the way he's always like, he's usually pouting in the corner, giving the Host Club the puppy dog eyes, shocked white, or angry at the twins, where he's face front at screen, and has words in his mouth. He likes little random fantasies about Haruhi.

Tamaki Souh in one of his crazy "I got a good idea for Haruhi!" poses
Kyoya Ootori: Kyoya is the "mother" of the host club, deemed that because he helped Tamaki
set it up. He's the fourth child in the Ootori family, two older brothers, and an older sister, who's married. He's extreamly smart, and holds back his ablities so he doesn't overshadow his two older brothers. His father owns a hospital, where he's suppose to work when he graduates. The twins and Haruhi dubbed Kyoya the nickname "Shadow King" because he can think of ways to get money, expecially if it's using the other Host Club members. Kyoya met Tamaki back in the last year of Middle school, where he was President of his class, and hated Tamaki because he was popular by the girls, and went from being poor to a heir in less than a day. Tamaki is fond of Kyoya because he lives with his family, and so begs Kyoya to take him siteseeing, and whatnot, and so they become good friends. Tamaki also gets Kyoya to laugh for real for the first time in the whole series. Kyoya has black hair, brown eyes, and is the only character with glasses that are worn the whole series. Kyoya, when woken up from sleep, has a very short temper, and he can always be seen by writing something, or by being behind a computer. He tends to not do stuff that doesn't give him merits later on [as discovered by Haruhi in "The Sun, The Beach, and the Host Club"]. His blood type is AB [as said in "Honey's Not So Sweet Three Days"] and that's what makes him evil.

Kyoya annoyed that Tamaki dragged him out of bed for a commoner festival.
Mitsukuni Haninozuka: Also known as "Honey". One of the two "Senpais" of the Host Club. He's in 3-A, and is the eldest of his family [him and his younger brother in Jr. High, Chicka]. He's obsessed with cute things, pink things, bunnies, and sweets, and is usually seen with little pink things flying around his head and body. He always is around Mori-senpai, and is always carrying a pink stuffed rabbit. His family is known for a very popular Martial Arts, and Honey is the best one at it. When Tamaki wanted Honey to join the Host Club, he was in his first year of High School, and the captain of the Karate Team, and not allowed to have any sweets, or cute stuff, which made him mean towards the Karate club members, ordering them non-stop training. When Tamaki wanted Honey to join the club, he bribed Honey saying he could eat as much sweets as he wanted, and use anything cute, therefore he joined along with Mori-senpai. He's always seen at the Host Club with a smile, or with something cute to say, and can easily be noticed by the short body, blonde hair, and brown eyes. He looks like a middle schooler. He can't swim [as discovered in "Jungle Pool SOS"]. He's generally called "Honey-senpai", and calls everyone else "-chan" [Hika-chan, Kao-chan, Tama-chan, Kyo-chan, Haru-chan] except for Mori, where he calls him Takashi. He's Mori's cousin. When awoken, or when his bunny is on the line, he's very evil [he has the same blood type at Kyoya, which makes Haruhi believe that he's bad tempered].

Honey-senpai skipping through a field of flowers with his bunny.
Takashi Morinozuka: Also known as "Mori". He's the other "senpai'' of the group, always following Honey-senpai around. Mori is part of the Kendo club, and not much is known about him in the anime [as for background], but his family has served Honey's for generations, until 2 generations ago where they were intertwined, and therefore makes him Honey's cousin. [[In the manga it's discovered that he has a younger brother, that's best friends with Chicka, and he's the complete opposite of Mori.]] He's the tallest of the group, and also the quietest, only saying the occasional one syllable words [generally "Hai"]. I think the most I've ever heard him say was "Mitsukuni, don't take your anger out on Tamaki". o.0. There's an episode where Tamaki says that Mori uses Honey as a cute object, and that gets Mori and Honey into a sad fit through a fight.
Honey-Senpai [left] and Mori-senpai [right] listening to the others talk while relaxing in a tree
Hikaru and Kaoru Hitachiin: are the twins and devils of the Host Club, who use their twincest as taboo towards the customers. They take any advantage against Tamaki when possible, and do anything they can to get what they want. They grew up by themselves, where no one could reconize them, until Haruhi came around. While they may seem the same, they're completely different. Hikaru, the older of the two, is rash, and does stuff without thinking, while Kaoru, the younger one, will think things out before saying something. They spend about 9 hours of the day with Haruhi, because they're in the same class, while Tamaki only has 3% of the day with Haruhi, therefore the Twins take advantage of this and claim their the "Friendly Classmate Trio". They're pictured as the "gay" type, except, not really dramatised in the anime, Hikaru likes Haruhi, while in the manga he makes it a big deal and tells her he loves her, and breaks the family apart and whatnot. Hikaru and Kaoru are told apart by the way they're hair sits, Hikaru towards the right, and Kaoru towards the left, and that's how they usually stand. Up til High school, and still some times during the school day, they're often holding hands. This basically symbolizes that they'll always be togeterh, no matter what. They love getting revenge on Tamaki.
Kaoru [outside] and Hikaru [inside] enjoying themselves on the merry go round.
Haruhi Fujioka: is a scholorship student that was intertwined in the Host Club. At first, due to her short hair and guy-like clothes, the Host Club thought she was a guy, and gay, and therefore, in the mist of trying to escape the Host Club, knocks down a 8 million yen vase. She's then forced to work as the Host Club's 'dog', until Tamaki finds out she's a girl, and that she's cute without the glasses, and therefore makes her an actual Host Club member. She's slow when it comes to love. She's afraid of thunderstorms. When Hikaru confesses to her, in the Manga, and she has to reply, she claim's he's a good friend, and always will be. She has somewhat feelings towards Tamaki. Her dad works in a gay bar, and she lost her mother when she was seven years old. She's in class 1-A, along with the Hitachiin twins, and is the main person to put Tamaki into his little corner places. She's a good cook, and tries to get away from the Host Club, but they always seem to follow her.
Haruhi [far right] annoyed at Kaoru [left] and Hikaru [middle].

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